This is basically just the TinyHtttpd example from the networking chapter of my book, Learning Java - O'Reilly & Associates. I have just recast the objects as bsh methods.
httpd.bsh - A simple scripted HTTP server |
httpd( int port ) { run() { while ( true ) { con = connection( ss.accept() ); new Thread( con ).start(); } } connection( Socket client ) { run() { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream(), "8859_1") ); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream( client.getOutputStream() ); PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(out, "8859_1"), true ); String request = in.readLine(); print( "Servicing request: "+request ); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( request ); if ( (st.countTokens() >= 2) && st.nextToken().equals("GET") ) { if ( (request = st.nextToken()).startsWith("/") ) request = request.substring( 1 ); if ( request.endsWith("/") || request.equals("") ) request = request + "index.html"; try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream ( request ); byte [] data = new byte [ fis.available() ]; data ); out.write( data ); out.flush(); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) { print("file not found..."); pout.println( "404 Object Not Found" ); } } else pout.println( "400 Bad Request" ); client.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { print( "I/O error " + e ); } } return this; } ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket( port ); print("starting httpd on port: "+port); t = new Thread( this ); t.start(); return t; } |